Vanni Saltarelli was born in Fino Mornasco
(Como). His first artistic forays date from an early age – his teacher was
Napoleone Saltarelli, an eminent painter and violinist, and his father. After
completing his Art levels at school in Milan, he studied at the Castello art
college. He taught painting techniques and lectured in painting and fresco
technique at the Aldo Galli Art Academy. Vanni Saltarelli identifies totally
with the physical character of his works. He sees his artistic creations as a
physical shield into which anxieties and uncertainties, and wishes and musings
that arise from a sinking view of life are tossed. The body almost always plays
a central role and is represented in various morphologies – sometimes over
elaborately as in Baroque art, and sometimes hard and secretive as in the
anatomic structures of the Renaissance. The magic of his paintings lies in the
powerful, sometimes painful eroticism, although this is made relative by the
pervasively lyrical sense. His contemporary works can be admired in museums,
churches and galleries in Italy as well as internationally.
Personal Exhibitions
1967 Galleria Bonalumi / Desio
1970 Galleria Sagittario / Gallarate
1972 Galleria Coin D'Art / Genova
1975 Galleria Teatro Minimo / Mantova
1975 Galleria Pianella / Cantù
1976 Studio d'Arte G.Balansino / Legnano
1976 Galleria la Cripta / Milano
1976 Sala d'Arte Durandiana / Santhià
1979 Studio d'Arte / Legnano
1979 Galleria L'Arbatro / Lurate Caccivio
1984 Palazzo Sormani / Milano
1984 Galleria San Paolo / Bologna
1984 Segno Grafico / Venezia
1985 Staats-Und Universitatsbibliothek /
1985 Galleria Fumagalli / Bergamo
1986 Galleria Fumagalli / Bergamo
1986 Galerie Trefcentrum / Rotterdam
1986 Staats-Und Universitatsbibliothek /
1987 "L'uomo, l'ambiente, la
pittura" Villa Camilla / Olgiate Comasco
1987 Columbia University / New York
1987 Galleria II Diagramma 32 / Napoli
1988 Galleria Fumagalli / Bergamo
1988 Galleria Palazieta / Busto Arsizio
1988 Talijanski Kulturni Centar / Zagreb
1988 Galerie Tardy-Enschede / Holland
1989 Italienisches-Kultur Institut / Wien
1991 Galerie Sobbé-Duval / Rennes
1991 Castello di Pomerio / Erba
1991 Hen Wood-Galerie D'Art / Cholet
1992 Galleria San Paolo / Bologna
1992 Galleria Fumagalli / Bergamo
1992 Galleria d'Arte Cromatica / Ceriale
1994 Kabinet Grafiky-Galerie / Olomoucka
1995 Galleria Ada / Bergamo
1998 Galleria San Paolo / Bologna
1999 Spazio Arte / Borgoticino
2001 Galleria Man Arte / Parigi
2002 "Donna...piena di Grazia" /
Chiesetta di Macherio 2002 Galerie Zamecka / Namest' Na Hanè
2004 Mostra Villa Pomini / Castellanza
2005 Galerie OokerCranendonck / Budel
2007 Galleria Verga-Murarte / Cadorago
2008 Galerie Pannicolo / Monaco
2009 Galerie Silvie Platini / Veyries du Lac
2009 Sala Civica «Aldo Moro» / Sovico 2009 Galerie Damon / Poitiers
2010 Galerie Michael Marciano / Parigi
2011 "Corte del Lagnat" / Macherio
2011 Galleria Cascina dell' Arte / Busto Arsizio 2011 6° Senso Art Gallery /
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