12 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe


Sherri Belassen
Sherri Belassen's oil paintings are large fields and blocks of vibrant color broken up by abstract figures and flowers. The color fields of her backgrounds are often freckled with small squares-- little windows into her underpaintings, the washes and drips of paint she lays down on the canvas. If the backgrounds hint at the underpaintings, the figures revel in them, with horses sporting brazenly loose horizontal stripes, dancers graced with vertical drips, and poppies wearing petals made sometimes of blocks of color, and sometimes left as colorful negative spaces. The paintings also have fast, confident lines scratched into thick paint, further revealing colors and work beneath the surface.BiographyBelassen was born and raised in Indianapolis and attended the University of Missouri on a full track and field scholarship while majoring in fine arts. Her dreams of making the Olympics were derailed by a sports injury. She then channeled her energies fully into art, graduating form Indiana University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She credits her inspiration in design and composition to trips she took as a child with her father in his two-seater airplane. The patterns and colors of the landscape informed her later aesthetic, which is built around defined blocks of color.VisionHelen Frankenthaler, Richard Diebenkorn, and Milton Avery are all inspirations. These artists brought a gift for abstraction to their work, achieving artistic goals through the deft manipulation of shapes and colors. Belassen has melded her own contemporary vision with Western and Southwestern subject matter that is unique to her time and place.Process and MediaFor Belassen's first layer, she thins her oil paints and paints a loose, dripping underpainting on her canvas. When the underpainting is dry, she comes back to the piece and works in her subjects, leaving windows in the background into her earlier layer. Her subjects may also include portions and frequently large shapes that are left open, integrating the early layer into the final composition and creating texture as well as play between positive and negative space.Statement
In life and art, I stay true to myself and listen to my own voice.

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