9 Ağustos 2012 Perşembe

Janko Kastelic

(text will be soon translated):
Janko Kastelic se je rodil 4. 4. 1953 v Pivki. Slikarstvo je študiral zasebno. Leta 1984 je postal član Zveze društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov (ZDSLU), od leta 1993 pa ima status svobodnega umetnika. Samostojno je začel razstavljati leta 1975 in od takrat je svoja dela predstavljal na 71 razstavah po Sloveniji, Hrvaški, Italiji, Ameriki, Nizozemski in drugod. S svojimi deli se je udeležil nad 250 skupinskih razstav, likovnih kolonij in drugih likovnih prireditev doma in v tujini, za kar je prejel 26 nagrad. Kot samostojni kulturni delavec živi in ustvarja v Sežani.

In his landscapes which are the continuation of the meadow motive, a painiting cycle which is being constructed and supplemented by the painter during last years, and the lyric feeling is mixed with living, strong understanding of kras and its characteristics. The chosen parts from nature or urban centers are for him the starting point and at the same time the inexhaustible motive, which he varies inside his own iconography. In his works he approaches to the Kras in the sense of discovery and experience, its natural pecularities with the purpose to transform them to a kind of abstracted comprehension. Kastelic' '' genius loci '' is remade and is refined with his own experience and so enriched beyond his vision and view.


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Bülent Burgaç (Bulent Burgac)

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